
Institute of International Harmony and Sustainable Development

Head office: Unit 1502, Public Bank Centre,120 Des Voeux Road Central, Central, Hong Hong

Tel: (852) 27963881 Email: info@iihsd.cn Website:www.iihsd.cn


About Us


The Institute of International Harmony and Sustainable Development was established by Bishop Dennis Ng Victory Ministries Foundation in Hong Kong to: -

  1. Gather community leaders and academic thought leaders from various countries; and
  2. Collaborate with scholars and academic institutions worldwide for policy research in addressing development gaps and improving quality of life

The Institute launches research and community development for local development, social planning, empowering the grassroots communities to the localizing of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) namely “leaving no one behind”.

Further, the Institute also promotes and provides quality education and professional training under the principles of mutual respect, mutual support and mutual learning so as to promote the standards of professional educators, social workers, community leaders and social service providers.

Bishop Prof. Dr Dennis Ng met Datuk Dr Denison Jayasooria in Andrew F. Walls Centre for the Study of African and Asian Christianity in Liverpool , the United Kingdom. Datuk Dr Jayasooria is also the classmate of Professor Daniel Jeyaraj, the co-workers of Professor Ng in Andrew F. Walls Centre, during Professor Jeyaraj’s early studies in theological seminary. Datuk Dr Jayasooria is Principal Research Fellow at the Institute of Ethnic Studies (KITA), National University of Malaysia (UKM). He is also the Co-chair of the Malaysian CSO-SDG Alliance which is a member of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of United Nations. He also took part in the action research project of neighbourhood approach funded by the Department of National Unity and Integration of Office of the Prime Minister of Malaysia, and delivered a public lecture on the theme "Public Advocacy: Of Ideas and Practice in Malaysia" at the conference hall in UKM. The public lecture was well-received among scholars. While having lunch with Professor Ng Datuk Dr Jayasooria mentioned about his service to Sri Lankan. Professor Ng was touched by his work on striving harmonious relationship in the international level. After Professor Ng returned to Hong Kong, he established Center for Research of South India and Sri Lanka, and started to investigate how to serve difference races so as to show Chinese citizen’s reaction to “One Belt, One Road” development policy proposed by the PRC government with the spirit of theology of harmony. Professor Ng appointed Dr Michelle Hei Yan Shum , Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Work at Hong Kong Baptist University and a senior social worker, as the Director of the Center.

伍德荣会督在英国利物浦希望大学沃尔斯非洲及亚洲基督教研究中心(Andrew F. Walls Centre for the Study of African and Asian Christianity)的研讨会中认识了丹尼森•贾亚苏里亚拿督(Datuk Dr Denison Jayasooria),他也是伍会督在沃尔斯中心的同工杰亚拉贾教授(Professor Daniel Jeyaraj)早年在神学院的同学。贾亚苏里亚拿督为马来西亚国立大学民族学研究所的首席研究员,也是大马永续发展目标援助发展联盟的主席〔此为联合国永续发展计划(SDGs)的成员〕,他为大马首相署国民团结局资助的邻里行动研究计划,于马来西亚国立大学会议厅就「公众倡导:在马来西亚的理念与实践」作公开讲座,深获学者赞赏。贾亚苏里亚拿督于马来西亚与伍会督午膳时谈及他对斯里兰卡人民的服事,伍会督甚被他此种在国际中睦邻的工作所感动,回香港后,在国际得胜生命差传基金会 之国际和谐可持续发展研究所倡议于斯里兰卡首都科伦坡成立当代斯里兰卡研究中心,开展及研究如何服事当地不同的种族,藉此体现作为中国公民以和谐神学的精神回应国家的一带一路。

Latest Events


12-13 August 2021

International Youth Social Entrepreneurship Summit


27 June 2021

Asian Solidarity Economy Council - Youths Engagement in Social Solidarity Economy

亚洲团结经济理事会 - 青年参与社会团结经济

21 December 2020

World Chinese Business & Economic Summit


Prof. Dennis T.W. Ng was featured as one of the panelists for the session of “Women in Business and Leadership: Enhancing the Role of Women in Family Business among the Global Chinese Diaspora” in the 2020 World Chinese Economic Summit 


Embracing love and support from the homeland in Shangri La of Sri Lanka - Talk and Dinner Gathering


In view of "One Belt, One Road" development strategy, no matter you are engaging in various businesses, working in the port or other industries, we believe that you, like many Chinese staying in Sri Lanka, are developing yourselves in your own industry. After you come to Sri Lanka for a certain period of time, have you ever thought of better-making good use of yourselves and understanding your strength and weakness in this novel environment?


Centre for Research of South India and Sri Lanka (“Center”) will hold two sessions of free dinner gathering in Shangri La's Hotel for you. At the dinner gathering, 3 professors will share their view on developing and understanding yourselves from personal development, education and social services respectively in Mandarin and English. The Centre hopes to establish a mutual support group in Sri Lanka. The details of the dinner gathering are as follows:

南印度及斯里兰卡研究中心将会在斯里兰卡的酒店举办两场 免费 聚餐,届时将会有三位教授以英语及普通话去分享他们在个人发展、教育及社会服务的看法,有助您更清楚了解如何发展及认识自己。本中心希望藉此能于斯里兰卡建立一个互助小组。聚餐详情如下:

1st Section
Date: 29 January 2018 (Monday)

Venue: Hambantota Golf Resort & Spa

日期:2018年1月29日 (星期一)
地点:斯里兰卡香格里拉汉班托塔高尔夫度假酒店 (Hambantota Golf Resort & Spa)

2nd Section
Date: 3 February 2018 (Saturday)

Venue: Shangri-La Hotel, Colombo

日期:2018年2月3日 (星期六)
地点:科伦坡香格里拉大酒店 (Shangri-La Hotel, Colombo)

As the seats are limited, we sincerely hope to invite 20 Chinese from all walks of life for each section to join the dinner gathering. If your partner is Chinese but you are not, we welcome you to join us with your partner. Kindly send an email to our Rev. Ida Leung of our Centre at revsyleung@outlook.com if you want to joint one of the sections. The selected applicant will receive the invitation via email.



Speakers Introduction


Bishop Prof. Dr. Dennis Ng


Bishop Prof. Dr. Dennis Ng is currently a Senior Fellow at Andrew Walls Centre for the Study of African and Asian Christianity, Liverpool Hope University, an Adjunct Professor of Theology & Sacred Music at East China Theological Seminary of Shanghai, a Professor of Systematic Theology and the Dean of the School of Sacred Music at China Victory Theological Seminary of Hong Kong, and a Research Fellow of the Centre for Study of Religion and Chinese Society at Shanghai University. Bishop Ng is a prolific author who has published 17 books, and his upcoming book Theology of Harmony: In Search of the Roots and Development of Chinese Theology was published by Joint Publishing Company in Hong Kong in January 2018, and gained the appreciation of different internationally renowned scholars immediately in the international conference held in Princeton Theological Seminary in United States. In this centre of liberalism, Professor Ng proposed, “Perhaps you said, ‘Our (American) liberalism will come and change the whole China.’ Do you know that this not only can not establish Christianity in China, but only makes Christianity just become a western political product?... Only in the real situation, we can understand the politics and economy in present-day China via history, which has been weaved into the culture, like various biological mechanism integrated into the organic life. The western culture (no matter it is capitalism or socialism) or even Chinese culture are all evolving to become better. Hence, we will see the rise of Christianity in China when Christianity in China can comprehensively integrate socialism, capitalism and Chinese culture. Do not build Christianity in a way that ruins the nowadays politics. It is nothing more than a Crusader way. We have to use a new paradigm, which can be applied in different countries of the world and with the virtue of mankind, to build Chinese Christianity on the soil of China.

Chinese theology of harmony is based on the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, mutual love, serving among the general public of China found on socialism, and equality. This shows not only in present-day China, but also in this globalized world. With our harmonious temperament, we will reward different ethnic groups and cultures in the world. For Professor Ng, this vision is inspired by Datuk Dr Denison Jayasooria of Malaysia’s serving to Sri Lankan. Hence, South India and Sri Lanka Research Center is established to endeavour to serve different races in Sri Lanka.

伍德荣教授为英国利物浦希望大学沃尔斯非洲及亚洲基督教研究中心(Andrew F. Walls Centre for the Study of African and Asian Christianity)之高级研究员、中国上海基督教华东神学院神学与圣乐教授、香港中国得胜神学院系统神学教授及圣乐学院院长、上海大学宗教与中国社会研究中心研究员。伍教授之神学著作甚丰,至今已出版了十七本著作,近著为由香港三联书店出版之《和谐神学:从「南韦北赵」寻索中国基督教神学思想的根源与发展》,于本年一月出版,甫于美国普林斯顿神学院的国际会议中引起国际不同著名学者的欣赏。伍教授在普林斯顿此自由主义的学术重镇,提出「或许您说:『我(美国)的自由主义要来改变您整个中国』,您是否知道您这样的做法不单不能建立中国的基督教,反而令到基督教只是成为一个西方政治的产品。……只有在真實的处境中去明白當今中国的政治、经济在历史展現,一直在文化的综合中,好像有机的生命综合中。西方文化无论是资本主义、社会主义及中国文化,大家也是向着更好的进发,这样我们将会见到中国的基督教能综合社会主义、资本主义和中国文化时,中国的基督教会兴盛。不要用毁灭现今政治的方式来建立基督教,这不过是十字军的方式。我们要用一个新的范式,那是有共同的、在世界里、在人的美善、人的价值中,去让中国基督教建立在中国的土壤上。」

中国的和谐神学是一种由基督的十字架的牺牲、互爱、及中国的普罗大众以社会主义的互相服事、互相平等作基础。这不单展现在现今的中国,亦在这个全球化的世界中展现出我们和谐的性情,以回馈世界中的不同民族与文化。对伍教授而言,这个异象被马来西亚丹尼森•贾亚苏里亚拿督(Datuk Dr Denison Jayasooria)服事斯理兰卡人民所激发,故当代斯里兰卡研究中心尝试来服事当地不同种族的人民。

Talking Outline


Professor Ng supports local and overseas professors, scholars, businessmen and residents in different districts and countries. He holds dinner gathering and development team regularly. With the spirit of positive harmony, Professor Ng supports every country he sets foot on to develop groups with mutual care and support via proposing harmony, mutual respect, mutual support and facilitating communication among different races and academic factions.  Similarly, Bishop Ng hopes to build friendships with different races in Sri Lanka via dinner gathering. He will share with you how to develop yourself to match your own vision and break your own limit to appreciate values of other ethnicities. Apart from sharing about education and social work, he will also share with you how you can be empowered to act as the messenger of harmony.


Dr Ida Ah Chee Mok


Dr Ida Ah Chee Mok is Associate Dean of the Faculty of Education, and Associate Professor of Division of Mathematics and Science Education at the University of Hong Kong. She has been awarded the Diamond Jubilee International Visiting Fellowship (2013-2016) at the University of Southampton. She obtained her PhD from King’s College, the University of London.  Since 1990, she has been active in both local community in Hong Kong and international research area of mathematics education. She has a broad research interest which includes teaching and learning, teacher education, pedagogical content knowledge, lesson study, and technology in Mathematics education. Her research studies have been commonly published, including 60 research paper and 5 literature publication, which is undeniably influential as a great symbol to the research area of Mathematics education in the Mainland China.

莫雅慈教授为香港大学教育学院副院长、数理教育部副教授,她于2013年至2016年期间,获英国南安普顿大学60周年(Diamond Jubilee)颁发国际访问学人奖。莫教授于英国伦敦大学国王学院获颁哲学博士,自1990年从事数学教育研究以来,她一直致力于香港本地和国际数学教育的研究。莫教授研究兴趣广泛,研究范围包括数学与学习、教师教育、教学内容知识、课例研究,以及数学教育中的技术使用等。她的研究成果甚为丰富,至今已发表近60篇的研究论文,以及出版5部著作。莫教授的研究经验对于中国数学教育研究有重要的指导意义。

Talking Outline


Many Chinese working in Sri Lanka when thinking about developing themselves, they will consider improving different language skills, enhancing work and learning ability, or acquiring professional knowledge. Dr Mok, as an Associate Dean in the Faculty of Education at the University of Hong Kong, will explain how to continue further studies in Sri Lanka to equip yourself to match with your vision in view of the increasing need of different professional knowledge in the global developmen


Dr Michelle Hei Yan Shum


Dr Michelle Hei Yan Shum is Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Work at Hong Kong Baptist University. She obtained her Bachelor of Social Work and Social Administration from University of Hong Kong, Juris Doctor from City University of Hong Kong and her PhD from University of Hong Kong. She has a broad research interest which includes law and social policy, third-sector study, social service management, eldercare and rehabilitation etc.


Talking Outline


When a Chinese comes to a new place, such as Sri Lanka, he has to adjust to the new culture and working environment. After he works diligently during the daytime, he may feel lonely while being alone. In fact, this is a good chance to understand yourself while you are working abroad. Dr Shum will help you understand yourself and reshape your life from the perspective of a social worker. She will also introduce our online counselling service, and the way to contact our social workers or counsellors.



Latest Promotion



Professor  Michael Y.L. Luk’s remark on Professor Dennis Ng’s Harmony Theology.


Professor  Michael Y.L. Luk is the former Assistant Principal of the Hong Kong Institute of Education (now known as the Education University of Hong Kong), the former Associate Dean of the School of Professional and Continuing Education of the University of Hong Kong, and one time served as Sub-Dean and  Honorary Associate Professor the Faculty of Arts at the Univeristy of Hong Kong. Currently he is a member of the Board of Directors of Hong Kong Policy Research Institute and Honorary Research Fellow of the Centre of Asian Studies at the University of Hong Kong. Below shows Professor Luk’s comments from the book launch of “Harmony Theology”, held on March 14, 2018.




News and Activities



Asia Economic and Entrepreneurship Summit


Prof. Dennis Ng was one of the panelists in “Partnering for the SDG’s – Towards a Sustainable and Inclusive Society Leaving No One Behind” in 2020 Asia Economic and Entrepreneurship Summit 





The International Conference on “Transformative Economy: Revitalizing Rural Economy through Social Solidarity Economy” at Yogyakarta, Indonesia


A delightful conversation with Indonesian NGO leaders (the first picture in the middle) and Indonesian Islamic religious leader (the first picture on the left) about religious harmony


Group photo with Indonesia, Malaysia and Spain leaders from international non-governmental organizations


Professor Dennis T.W. Ng responding to the relationship between the“Belt and Road” Initiative and work done on social solidarity at the conference.

伍德荣教授 在会议上回应 有关一带一路与社会凝聚工作之关系

Group photo with scholars and leaders from international non-governmental organizations





"Harmony and Peace Solidarity” Dinner Conference at Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Sharing China’s concept of development and experience in international collaboration.


Opening speech on "Harmony and Solidarity in the Postcolonial Context" by Professor Dennis T.W. Ng


Spain NGO leader



Analysis of China's current participation and contribution to the United Nations.


Scholars from Indonesia, the Philippines and Malaysia work together to promote harmony and social solidarity


Professor Dr. Dennis T.W. Ng is the initiator of this “Harmony and Peace Solidarity” Conference


Participants include heads and representatives of non-governmental organizations from Indonesia, India, South Korea, the Philippines, Malaysia, Spain, Switzerland, Sri Lanka, and Thailand


Respond to participants' questions about harmonious work


Demonstrating the importance of harmony in different regions


Dr. Benjamin R. Quiñones Jr. from the Philippines


Dr. Eri Trinurini Adhi. from Indonesian Non-Governmental Organization



Representative from Indonesia shared the importance of harmony among local people


Head from Malaysian Non-Governmental Organization



Representatives from India, Sri Lanka, etc.



Representatives from various organizations in different countries expressed their deepest appreciation towards the theme on harmony



Heads of NGOs and scholars from South Korea and Malaysia


The working conference for the Heads of ASEC and ASEAN NGOs







World Chinese Business & Economic Summit


Prof. Dennis Ng was one of the panellists in "Parallel Session B: Role of the Global Chinese Diaspora in Investments and Innovation" in World Chinese Business & Economic Summit.






Harmony and Peace Conference, New Delhi, India


Prof. Dennis Ng gave an inaugural speech at the Harmony and Peace Conference.


Topic of the Inaugural Speech is “Understanding Harmony and Peace in the

Context of Globalization”


More than 100 participants at the Harmony and Peace Conference.


Professor Ng responded to the enthusiastic question from the participants.



Minister Thiru. K. Pandia Rajan, Minister for Tamil Language and Culture in India as one of the honourable guests of the “Harmony and Peace” Conference. Prof. Dennis Ng exchanged and shared with Minister Pandiarajan the work in promoting harmony.

印度泰米尔文化部长Minister Thiru K. Pandia Rajan为是次和諧與和平会议之主礼嘉宾, 伍德榮教授與文化部長交流分享推動和諧的工作。


Prof. Armoogum Parsuramen, the former Director of UNESCO, former Minister of Education, Arts, and Culture of Mauritius, is currently the Chairman of the International Thirukkural Foundation.   Prof. Parsuramen appreciated the work of our Institute of International Harmony and Sustainable Development and Prof. Dennis Ng in promoting the harmonious ministries.

Prof. Armoogum Parsuramen是前任聯合國教科文總監、前任毛里裘斯教育、藝術及文化部長,現任國際Thirukkural基金會主席。他對於本研究所及伍德榮教授推動的和諧事工非常欣賞。

Professor of international relations in New Delhi, appreciated the Harmony and Peace Conference.


The Indian professor likes Professor Ng’s speech. At the end, she took a group photo with her more than ten family members.





International Conference on Indian Culture, New Delhi, India


This UNESCO building is in New Delhi, Indian, and is the headquarter of six South Asian countries.


Professor Ng was one of the guests who presided over the opening ceremony of the International Conference on Indian Culture. Others included the Director of the UNESCO (second from right), Minister for Tamil Development, Tamil Culture and Archaeology (third from right), former Director of the UNESCO, India (first from right), as well as local religious and social leaders (third from left).


At the opening ceremony, Prof. Dennis Ng’s speech was in Tamil, the minister and leaders were very happy.


There is the Indian Minister of Tamil Development, next to him is a Hindu religious leader (first right). Prof. Abraham Quadan (first left), a professor at the University of Sydney, a Palestinian, he also conducts harmonious academic study in Australia.

与文化部长在闭幕礼上,部长身旁之印度教宗教领袖(右一)赞誉伍教授在闭会礼讲词,左一为澳洲悉尼大学的Prof. Abraham Quadan教授,他是巴勒斯坦,在澳洲作和谐的学术研究

There was a very enthusiastic discussion and Prof. Dennis Ng was responding to a question from the professor.






International Symposium on “Diaspora in Foreign Policy and International Relations” jointly organized by the Minister of Foreign Affairs (Malaysia), the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur and the Institute of International Harmony and Sustainable Development of our Foundation.


Professor Dennis Ng presented his academic paper on Chinese Diaspora and the Belt and Road Initiative.


Mr. Kennedy Mayong Onon, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia.

马来西亚外交部次官Kennedy Mayong Onon



In addition to the official from the Malaysian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the scholars of the University of Malaya, the international symposium also has exchanges of university scholars from India.


Tan Sri Michael Yeoh deeply appreciated the paper and the ministries of Professor Ng. He is the right-hand man of the Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad.


Sharing the work of promoting harmony with Tan Sri Michael Yeoh, and the responsible persons from the non-governmental organizations from Philippines and Indonesia.


With Dato’ Sri Muhammad Shahrul Ikram Yaakob, Secretary-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at the Forum on Sustainable Development Secretary-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at the Forum on Sustainable Development.

与马来西亚外交部秘书长Dato’ Sri Muhammad Shahrul Ikram Yaakob在可持续发展论坛上



Side Event for the United Nations High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development at the New York UN Headquarters


Attending the ECOSOC High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development at the New York UN Headquarter and receiving 40 responsible persons from international non-governmental organizations to promote China’s harmonious message.



Keynote speech on the topic "Understanding Harmony & Peace from a Faith & Cultural Dimensions"


Professor Dr.Dennis T.W. Ng (伍德荣教授)respond to participants' questions in the Q&A session.


Audiences demonstrated their overwhelming responses as well as interactions and exchanges with Prof. Dennis Ng during the Q&A session.



High-profile persons from numerous international non-governmental organizations listened attentively.



Representatives from the Permanent Missions to the United Nations and 40 leaders from various international non-governmental organizations.

Representative from the Malaysia Permanent Mission to the UN.


Participant from Russia



The head of an NGO from the U.S. showing deep appreciation towards the speech of Professor Ng.


The representative of the NGO for Japanese Buddhism in the UN.


Discussing future collaboration and development with the Head of UN Institute for Social Development (second right).



Miss San Ling Nabi Kate Ng, our Assistant Event Coordinator, impressed the audience with her colorful violin solo at the conference that complement the theme in harmony. .

Opening speech of the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development at the UN General Assembly Hall.






Public Lecture at the Regent College, University of British Columbia (UBC) in Canada

Topic of the public lecture: A Faith that Enables People to be the Ambassador of Harmony under Globalization: A Theology in the Context of Contemporary China. The public lecture received warm welcome by many Chinese doctoral students and scholars who also actively engaged in the discussion.


Full house at the public lecture. Many Chinese scholars from the West participated in it.


Official Website of the Regent College, the University of British Columbia


Lobby posters at the Regent College. At the top left corner was Prof. Ng’s public lecture poster. Next to it was N.T Wright, the world’s leading New Testament scholar (top right corner).

维真学院大堂张贴的海报,伍教授的讲座海报(左上角)旁边为世界著名之新约圣经权威学者N. T. Wright (右上角)



Harmony and Peace Dinner Conference, Chennai, India

Bishop Prof. Dr. Dennis T.W. Ng held the “Harmony and Peace Conference” in Tambaram, India, to promote the exchange and harmony of theology and religious culture. This conference, with approximately 70 participants, was highly commended by local internationally renowned theologians, theological scholars as well as church leaders and pastors.



The internationally famous Prof. Dr. Fr. Felix Wilfred, the President of the Faculty of Arts at the University of Madras in India, is appointed by the Vatican Pope as an expert member of the International Theological Commission. As the president of the International Journal Concilium, he is also the chief editor of the International Journal of Asian Christianity.

国际著名学者Prof. Dr. Fr. Felix Wilfred为印度曼德拉斯大学文学院院长,也是梵谛冈教宗委任的专家、国际学刊Concilium负责人、International Journal of Asian Christianity之主编

Prof. Dr. Fr. Felix Wilfred praised Prof. Dennis Ng for the conference and his academic arguments.

Prof. Dr. Fr. Felix Wilfred讚譽伍教授之會議及學術論點


Mr. Cherian Thomas, National Director and Chief Executive Officer of World Vision India.

世界宣明会印度总监Cherian Thomas

Mr. Cherian Thomas gave appreciation of the presentation by Prof. Dennis Ng

Cherian Thomas对伍教授的发表表达欣赏


Bishop Daniel Jayaraj, President/Bishop of the Tamil Evangelical Lutheran Church, India.

印度泰米尔福音信义会主教Daniel Jayaraj

Prof. Dr. Fr. Felix Wilfred (first left) and the Head of the Department of Anthropology at the University of Madras, India (first right).

Prof. Dr. Fr. Felix Wilfred (左一)及印度马德拉斯大学人类学系主管 (右一)

Photo-taking with international scholars, and local community and church leaders during the conference



International Harmony Conference, Sri Lanka



Photo-taking with renowned international scholars, guests and over 100 local community leaders and church leaders during the opening ceremony.

於開幕式上與各來賓、國際著名神學家及學者並參與 之一百多位當地教會領袖合照

Prof. Dennis Ng presented his inaugural speech and paper at the opening ceremony and welcome dinner banquet of the conference

Inaugural Speech by Bishop Prof. Dennis T.W. Ng〔伍德荣会督(教授)〕

"The Contribution of Theology of Harmony in China to World Harmony"

Prof. Dr. Tom Harvey, Dean of Oxford University Mission Research Center in the UK as one of the keynote speakers.

英国牛津大学宣教研究中心教务长Prof. Dr. Tom Harvey担任主题讲员之一

Prof. Dr. Richard Fox Young from the University of Sciences, Princeton, USA, as one of the keynote speakers at the international conference.

美国普林斯顿大学神学院教授Prof. Dr. Richard Fox Young为是次国际会议上的主题讲员之一

Indian theologian Prof. Daniel Jeyaraj’s keynote speech.    

印度神学家Prof. Daniel Jeyaraj之主题演讲

Prof. Dr. Klaus Koschorke from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU), Germany, presented his keynote speech.

德国慕尼黑大学教授Prof. Dr. Klaus Koschorke之主题演讲

Presentation of souvenir as a token of thanks to the Liverpool Hope University in the UK for co-organizing the conference.

致送纪念品答谢英国利物浦希望大学 协办会议

Dr. Tom Harvey from the University of Oxford, UK, was highly engaged in the discussion and exchange with other speakers, and participating church and community leaders responded enthusiastically.


The professor from the Princeton University of the United States also participated enthusiastically during the conference.


Prof. Dr. Dennis T.W. Ng led the mourning of the recently passed Yale University professor Prof. Dr. Lamin Sanneh. His keynote paper for the International Harmony Conference turned out to be his last paper and was read out at the conference.

伍德榮教授带领哀悼刚离世的美国耶鲁大学教授Prof. Dr. Lamin Sanneh,他于是次会议上的论文为生前最后一篇文章,并于会议上宣读

An exchange between the Australian theologian Prof. Dr. Darrell Jackson and the representatives of the Chinese Embassy.

澳洲之神学学者Prof. Dr. Darrell Jackson于中国大使馆之代表官员交流

A very warm atmosphere at the opening ceremony.


Highly committed delegates.


Our assistant event coordinator, Ms. San Ling Nabi Kate Ng, demonstrated the beauty of harmony through her violin performance at the opening ceremony.




International Harmony Theologian Prize, Sri Lanka


Professor Dr. Dennis Ng addressed the audience at the International Harmony Theologian Awards Ceremony and introduced Rev. Fr. Aloysius Pieris, the Sri Lankan theologian.

伍德榮教授在国际和谐神学家奖颁奖典礼上致辞及介照斯里兰卡之神学家 Rev. Fr. Aloysius Pieris

Prof. Dr. Dennis T.W. Ng presented the International Harmony Theologian Award to the renowned Sri Lankan theologian, Rev. Fr. Aloysius Pieris, for his theological contribution in promoting harmonious work.

伍德榮教授(博士)颁发国际和谐神学家奖予斯里兰卡著名神学家Rev. Fr. Aloysius Pieris,表扬其在推动和谐工作上的神学贡献

Rev. Fr. Aloysius Pieris’s award ceremony speech.


An exchange with the local Catholic Jesuits, Prof. Dr. John Manipadam.

与当地之天主教耶稣会Prof. Dr. John Manipadam交流

Theologians and famous scholars from all over the world participated in the awards ceremony. First left was Prof. Dr. Thomas Harvey, Dean of the research center at the University of Oxford; second left was Prof. Dr. Darrell Jackson, professor of Missiology at the Morling College, Australia; first right was Prof. Dr. Richard Fox Young from the Theological Seminary at the Princeton University in the USA; second right was Prof. Dr. Klaus Koschorke, professor of the University of Munich, Germany.

来自世界各地之神学家及著名学者参与颁奖典礼,左一为英国牛津大学研究中心教务长Prof. Dr. Thomas Harvey,左二为澳洲莫林神学院教授Prof. Dr. Darrell Jackson,右一为美国普林斯顿大学神学院教授Prof. Dr. Richard Fox Young,右二为德国慕尼黑大学教授Prof. Dr. Klaus Koschorke

Miss San Ling Nabi Kate Ng, music performer of the event, has created an impressive atmosphere through her violin performance

Professor Dennis Tak-Wing Ng congratulated Rev. Fr. Pieris for his award; next to Rev. Fr. Pieris was the Catholic Jesuit Prof. Dr. John Manipadam.

伍德榮教授热烈祝贺Rev. Fr. Pieris获奖,旁为天主教耶稣会Prof. Dr. John Manipadam

Photo-taking with the organizers, awardee, international theologians and scholars after the award presentation ceremony. 颁奖礼后主办单位、得奖者、各国际神学家及学者全体合照



Leadership training in Sri Lanka.

Training for over 100 community leaders



Introducing to the commnity leaders the training material of our institute.




The 14th High-Level Forum on "The Social Role and Influence of Christianity in Contemporary China" organized by the Coordination Department, Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR.


Professor Dr. Dennis Ng’s Harmony Theology was highly appreciated.


Scholars were highly concerned about the arguments put forward by Prof. Dr. Dennis T.W. Ng.


Professor Xu Yihua,  renowned expert in international relations at the Fudan University in Shanghai, praised Bishop Ng as presently the first Chinese theologian that reaches out to the world.


Pastor  Qi Baoping, Vice President of the Chinese Christian Association.


Dr. Liang Yancheng, a renowned Chinese Christian scholar and Dean of the Cultural Renewal Research Center, deeply impressed byProfessor Dr. Dennis Ng’s Harmony Theology, remarked Bishop’s work as the masterpiece of a great thinker.

著名中国基督教学者、文化更新研究中心院长梁燕城博士 深感伍德榮教授(博士)提出之和谐神学为大思想家及大师级的作品

Photographed with Dr. Lin Manhong from Nanjing Jingling Theological Seminary at the High-Level Forum.


Professor Wen Ge, Head of Academics at the Nanjing Jingling Theological Seminary.




Side Event of the 2018 World Chinese Economic Forum, Malaysia


Professor Dennis Ng delivered his keynote speech at the side event of the 2018 World Chinese Economic Forum.


Speakers of the peripheral meeting included professors and experts from Hong Kong, Malaysia and Sri Lanka.

是次周边会议其他讲者包括来自香港、马来西亚、 斯里兰卡的教授及专家学者

Participants are Datuk(s) and experts.


Vigorous discussion among Datuk and professors


Mr. Leung Chun-ying, Vice Chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and former Chief Executive of HKSAR as the keynote speaker of the World Chinese Economic Forum.


A delightful conversation with Mr. Leung Chun-ying.


Malaysian Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Yang Yuanqing, Chairman of the World Chinese Economic Forum (right).


Photographed with Othsman Hassan, Senior Minister of the Cambodian Government (middle), at the forum.

与柬埔寨政府高级部长Othsman Hassan拿督摄于论坛上(中)

Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir presented his keynote address at the forum



A side event in conjunction with the 2018 World Chinese Economic Forum with the cooperation of Kingsley Advisory &Strategic Initiatives (KASI)




The Hangzhou Theological Conference


Prof. Dr. Dennis T.W. Ng delivered his paper at the “T. C. Chao and the Sinicization of Christianity” held by the Three-Self Patriotic Movement Committee and China Christian Council in Zhejiang province.


The conference participants included the President of the China Christian Council, and provincial chairpersons of the Three-Self Patriotic Movement Committee from the provinces of Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Fujian, Shandong and Jiangxi, and hundreds of delegates, namely the chairpersons, vice-chairpersons, presidents and vice-presidents of the provincial and municipal TSPM and CCC.


Second meeting at the podium: (left four) chairman Pastor Gao Ming and Pastor Li Yungen (right four) from the Three-self-partriotic Society; Pastor Lou Shibo (left three), Vice -President and Director General of Zhejiang Christian Association; Professor Yan Xiyu (left one) and  Professor Chen Yongtao (left two)from the Nanjing Union Theological Seminary; Professor Liang Hui(right three)from the School of Humanities at the Zhejiang University and our Bishop Professor T.W.Ng (right two).


Professor Yan Xiyu from Nanjing Union Theological Seminary remarked and praised Bishop Ng’s academic paper for his unique and innovative ideas, paying tribute to the rigor of his study.


Pastor Pan Xingwang, Vice-chairman of the Chinese Christian Three-self-partriotic Society and Chairman of the Zhejiang province Christian Three-self-partriotic Society, in his concluding remark, praised  Bishop Ng’s theology that it is not merely a kind of “patriotic” theology, but it also serves to enhance? bridge? support? the international relationship between China and the rest of the world. He encouraged the pastoral workers to learn from Bihop Ng.


Photographed with Pastor Pan-Wangwang (middle), Professor Liang Hui (right) from the School of Humanities College at the Zhejiang University, Professor Shi Hengtan (left two) from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and Professor Ng Zi Ming from our Theological Seminary  at the Yucun Village, the cradle of the "Two Mountains" theory proposed by President Xi Jinping.


Professor Shi Hengyu, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences ( Second from left ) Professor Wu Zi Ming, a school of worship, was photographed by the Chairman of the Church of Nishihei, Angie Yu Cun, a source of two-mountain theory


Phtographed with Professor Dennis Tak-Wing Ng (left two), Professor Ng Zi Ming (right two) from our Theological Seminary;  in addition to Pastor Gao Feng, the President of the Chinese Christian Association, also included were the Deputy Director of Ethnic and Religious Affairs Committee of Zhejiang, Deputy Minister of the United Front Work Department of Huzhou Municipal Committee, Secretary / Commisioner of the Bureau of Ethnic and Religious Affairs, Minister of the United Front Work Department and  Secretary / Commisioner of the Bureau of Ethnic and Religious Affairs in De Qing Xian, and the Secretary of the new town party committee, and so on.






Srilanka and Singapore


Meeting Mr. Cheng Xue-yuan, Chinese Ambassador to Sri Lanka at the Chinese Embassy in Sri Lanka, Professor Dr. Dennis T.W. Ng introduced the Institute of International Harmony and Sustainable Development in Sri Lanka’s Centre for Contemporary Sri Lankan Studies


Warmly discussing the development of religion and the promotion of academic culture in the European and American countries, Ambassador Cheng was delighted and supportive towards the Theology of Harmony proposed by Professor Dennis Tak Wing Ng and the upcoming cultural exchange activities to be held


The very high diplomatic rankings of the Embassy of China in Sri Lanka includes ambassador, minister, consul and counselor; the second right is Mr. Luo Chong, China’s Sri Lanka Embassy spokesman and Director of political office


The Theology of Harmony, the Chinese characteristic socialism, together with the Chinese culture was promoted and exchanged internationally, putting into practice the lifting the banner, gathering the people, educating newcomers, developing culture, and displaying images


Professor Dennis T.W. Ng presented his book “Theology of Harmony” to Ambassador Cheng, who was delighted with Professor’s inscription


Showing deep appreciation for the Theology of Harmony


Archbishop Dr. John Chew Hiang Chea from the Anglican Church of Singapore, visited Professor Ng at the hotel he stayed to discuss missionary development. He once served as the Bishop of Singapore Anglican Diocese, the Archbishop of the Province of the Anglican Church in South East Asia, as well as the General Secretary and Chairman of the South Global South in the Anglican Communion.

新加坡的圣公会周贤正大主教到伍德荣教授下榻的酒店相见,讨论宣教发展。他曾担任圣公会新加坡教区主教、东南亚教省大主教和基督教圣公会环南大会秘书长及主席 。

Professor Dennis Ng had a delightful chat with the world-famous Sri Lankan theologian Rev. Fr. Aloysius Pieris about the religious development and the interaction of Christianity with different religions in Sri Lanka. Rev. Fr. Aloysius Pieris, being one of two renowned Sri Lankan international scholars, once taught at prestigious universities for a long period of time in the East coast of the United States

伍德荣教授与世界著名之斯里兰卡神学家Aloysius Pieris畅谈斯里兰卡的宗教发展及当地基督教与不同宗教的互动。Aloysius Pieris曾在美国东岸著名大学长期教学,为两位著名的斯里兰卡国际学者之一

Professor Dennis T.W. Ng talked about China’s theology of harmony


Showcasing his study of Sri Lankan classic books


Rev. Fr. Aloysius Pieris, the Sri Lankan theologian, was pleased to present Prof. Dennis Ng the fruits of their Sri Lankan indigenous theology

斯里兰卡神学家Aloysius Pieris很高兴地向伍教授介绍他们斯里兰卡本色神学

To discuss their monument to the Sinhalese and Tamils after the end of the Sri Lankan Civil war, emphasizing the importance of the unforgettable past of Sri Lanka for the sake of achieving peace and justice for all ethnic groups


A joyful meeting and exchange with Prof. Ng with heartfelt thanks towards his concern for the research center




International Conference organized by the Liverpool Hope University, U.K. 



Professor Dr. Dennis T.W. Ng delivered his inaugural speech at the International Conference on “Christianity and the Public Sphere in Africa and Asia”, held by the Andrew F. Walls Centre for the Study of African and Asian Christianity in Liverpool Hope University, U.K.


Delegates including Prof. Lamin Sanneh (left one), leader of World Christianity at the Yale University in USA, Dr. Nelson Jennings (left two), former Director of Overseas Ministries Study Center at Yale University, and Professor Peter Wang Chen-mian, renowned Taiwanese historian, listened attentively to Professor Dennis Ng’s research achievements

会议上包括美国耶鲁大学神学院世界基督教著名神学家Prof. Lamin Sanneh (左一)、美国耶鲁大学海外宣教研究中心前主管Dr. Nelson Jennings (左二)及台湾著名历史学家王成勉教授于2018年英国利物浦希望大学国际神学会议上

The Director of the Center invited Professor Ng’s younger daughter to present a gift to Prof. Andrew Walls at his 90th birthday

Prof. Andrew Walls 九十岁生辰,中心主管邀请伍德荣教授的小女儿代表中心致送礼物给他

Discussing China’s harmony theology with the South African theologian Prof. JNJ Klippies Kritzinger, who showed great interest and delight. Prof  Kritzinger is also a good friend and colleague of the famous missiologist David Bosch

与南非神学家Prof. JNJ Klippies Kritzinger讨论中国的和谐神学,Prof. Kritzinger深感兴趣及欢喜,他也是著名宣教学家David Bosch的好友及同工

Receiving Dr. Tom Harvey from the University of Oxford in Liverpool. Dr Harvey is the 4th generation Christian missionary to China

于利物浦市接待英国牛津大学教授Dr. Tom Harvey,他为第四代往中国宣教之传教士

Receiving the renowned Taiwanese historian Professor Peter Wang Chen-mian and his student, Professor Tseng Yang-ching of Chung Yuan Christian University





Guangxi and Hangzhou, China



During the whole day lecture delivered by Prof. Dr. Dennis Ng in Guangxi Bible School between 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., both teachers and students reacted enthusiastically and were eager to raise questions. As a result, the Q&A session was extended by more than an hour. Due to time constraints, the lecture ended in a lively atmosphere.


Rev. Wang Cong-lian, President of Guangxi Christian Council, addressed the audience with his welcoming and introductory speech at the beginning of the lecture.


President Wang expressed his warmest thanks to Professor Dennis Tak-Wing Ng.


President Wang talked about the “Theology of Harmony” while receiving Professor Dennis T.W. Ng at dinner in Nanling.


Professor Dennis Ng was invited to the theological exchange at the Zhejiang Theological Seminary in Hangzhou. The leadership team of Zhejiang Theological Seminary consisted of Rev. Wang Yi-Nuo (2nd left),Vice Principal of the Seminary; Rev. Lou Shi-bo (2nd right), General Secretary of Zhejiang Christian Council cum Executive Vice Principal of Zhejiang Theological Seminary; and Rev. Miao Da-Jun (1st left), Vice President of the Zhejiang Christian Council.


Rev. Wang Yi-Nuo, Vice Principal of the Seminary, showed Prof. Dennis Ng the artistic Zhejiang Theological Seminary. On the side was a design rich in religious dialogue and this included the color commonly used in Buddhism alongside with poetry that praised God.


Professor Ng complimented the Christian culture attributes of the Seminary, and Chinese calligraphy paintings found in the corridor fully demonstrated the Chinese culture. These paintings not only filled the campus with cultural atmosphere, they also provided the opportunity for donation through purchasing them, whereas western paintings demonstrated the Christian culture in the west.


Rev. Miao Da-Jun, Vice President of the Zhejiang Christian Council cum Senior Pastor of the Xie-Tong Christian Church in Hangzhou, introduced the church and complex newly built in 2015. Based on past experience in building churches in Hangzhou, it was spacious enough to nurture the believers apart from the large church building, and the church’sunderground car park can accommodate over 100 vehicles.Next to the church was the headquarter of Geely Auto in China.


Rev. Miao Da-Jun and Rev. Lou Shi-Bo received Professor Dennis Ng upon his visit and invited him to pray for the church under the Red Cross of the church altar.




Conferences on Christianity in Sri Lanka  


A special meeting with pastors from different denominations at Hambantota in southern Sri Lanka.


Collaboration among the denominations was exemplified through the sharing of Theology of Harmony with the locality, promoting the gospel works together.




Rev. Devapriya Hunukumbura, Dean of the Lanka Bible College and Seminary and professors of the Bible College thanked Professor Dennis Tak Wing Ng for his message and sharing.

斯里兰卡圣经学院教务长Rev Devapriya Hunukumbura及学院之教授感谢伍德荣教授的信息和分享


Pastor Ajith Ranasinghe from the Assembly of God

神召会Pastor Ajith Ranasinghe

Rev. Chandrasena of the Church of South India

南印度教会Rev. Chandrasena

Rev. Sanjeewa from the Methodist Church

循道会Rev. Sanjeewa

Pastor Susantha from the Church of the Foursquare Gospel

四方福音会Pastor Susantha

Rev. B.A. Lalith from the Assembly of God Church Hambantota invited Professor Dennis Ng to visit his Church.

神召会Rev. B.A. Lalith邀请伍教授参观他的教会

Towards the end of the meeting, pastors received blessings with eagerness through closing prayers.


Serving Malaysia Datuk Dr. Denison Jayasooria with prayer.

为马来西亚拿督Datuk Dr. Denison Jayasooria祷告服事

The trilingual monument erected by Zheng He in Sri Lanka during the Ming Dynasty


Professor Dennis T.W. Ng delivered his sermon to all the teachers and students of the Lanka Bible College and Seminary during the morning prayer meeting.


Prayer and blessing for Pastor Titus Thasan, leader of the independent churches in Jaffna, North Sri Lanka

为斯里兰卡北部加纳夫(Jaffna)独立教会的领袖Pastor Titus Thasan祈祷祝福

Discussion with the Lanka Bible College and Seminary about the development of ministries and theological education.


Professor Dennis Ng presented his new book “Theology of Harmony” to Malaysia Datuk Dr. Denison Jayasooria and Dr. Danny Moses, Director of the Lanka Bible College Centre for Graduate Studies.

伍教授把最新之著作《和谐神学》致送予拿督及斯里兰卡圣经学院研究院院长Dr. Danny Moses

Photo taken at the Sri Lankan Bible College.




An International, Interdisciplinary Conference organized by Princeton Theological Seminary, U.S.


Professor Dennis T.W. Ng presented his paper on contemporary Chinese theology at Princeton Theological Seminary and communicated interactively with scholars from around the world.


After the paper presentation of a scholar from Georgetown University in the USA, the chairperson specially invited Professor Dennis Ng to share his views and answer questions posed by other scholars.

美国乔治城大学(Georgetown University)学者发表论文后,主持人特别邀请伍教授分享看法及解答其他学者的问题

Dr. Tom Harvey, the Academic Dean of Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (OCMS) in the UK, thanked Professor Ng and felt that he was benefited by Professor Ng’s presentation.

英国牛津大学Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (OCMS)教务长Dr. Tom Harvey特来感谢伍教授的发表,并感到获益良多

Delighted in receiving the book written by Professor Ng and invited his autograph.



Dr. Tom Harvey, the Academic Dean of Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (OCMS) in the UK, thanked Professor Ng and felt that he was benefited by Professor Ng’s presentation.

Dr. Harvey在发表论文时,赞扬伍教授的研究见解独到,会后双方继续交流

Professor Joseph Tse-Hei Lee, Executive Director of the Confucius Institute at Pace University in New York City invited Professor Dennis Ng to inscribe his book “Theology of Harmony”.

美国纽约佩斯大学(Pace University)教授兼孔子学院外方院长李榭熙教授邀请伍德荣教授在《和谐神学》一书上题字留念

A delightful exchange in the development of theology with Prof. Peter Phan, renowned professor from Georgetown University in the USA for his research in world Christianity.

与美国乔治城大学研究世界基督教之著名教授Prof. Peter Phan畅谈神学发展

Receiving Dr. Tom Harvey from the OCMS and Prof. Klaus Koschorke from the University of Munich, Germany and sharing each other’s mission experiences.

接待Dr. Harvey及德国慕尼黑大学教授Prof. Klaus Koschorke,席间大家分享宣教经验

A visit to Rev. Kangqiang Lu and his Chinese parish, Our Lady of Perpetual Help at Brooklyn, New York, a Catholic Church that serves the Chinese.




Book Launch of Professor Dr. Dennis Ng's Theology of Harmony, organized by Joint Publishing, on March 14, 2018



Publication of Theology of Harmony: In Search of the Roots and Development of Chinese Theology (Hong Kong: Joint Publishing, 2018)










Journal article entitled “Chinese Christianity: The Study of Indigenous Theology in Twentieth-Century China” published in Journal of World Christianity


(Journal of World Christianity),2017年第7期2卷


Book chapter entitled “The Sinicization of Sacred Music: A Study of T.C. Chao” published in Sinicizing Christianity, edited by Zheng Yangwen. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2017.  

(Sinicizing Christianity),郑扬文主编,莱顿;波士顿:博睿(Brill)学术出版社。


Yale-Edinburgh Conference on “Responses to Missions: Appropriations, Revisions, and Rejections”, organized by the Centre for the Study of World Christianity at the University of Edinburgh, Yale Divinity School, and the Overseas Ministries Study Center



Professor Dennis Ng presented his paper on the Chinese theology at the international conference held at the University of Edinburgh University, UK.


Audience were in the midst of lively discussion and interaction with the speaker after the paper presentation.


Group shot of conference participants in front of the School of Divinity, the University of Edinburgh

各会议参与者在爱丁堡大学神学院前留影,包括Prof. Andrew Walls、美国耶鲁大学教授Lamin Sanneh、英国爱丁堡大学Brian Stanley教授等学者

With Dr. Darrell Whiteman, Executive Director of the Overseas Ministries Study Center (OMSC, Yale University) after the conference

与美国耶鲁大学研究中心OMSC总监、阿斯伯利神学院(Asbury Theological Seminary) 文化人类学教授Dr. Darrell Whiteman在会议后分享中国神学

Dr. Whiteman listened attentively to the sharing of Professor Dennis T.W. Ng, about the Chinese Theology

Dr. Whiteman仔细聆听伍德荣博士分享之中国神学


An International Conference Organized by the Andrew Walls Centre for the Study of Asian and African Christianity, Liverpool Hope University, UK   


The renowned theologian, Prof. Andrew Walls and his wife, Dr. Ingrid Walls

与Andrew Walls教授伉俪合照,他为当代研究世界基督教之学术泰斗

Professor Ng expressed his views at the Conference. Next to Professor Ng was Dr. Atef Gendy, the Dean of the Cairo Theological Seminary, and two seats from him was Dr. David Dawson, formerly Professor at the University of Pittsburgh. Sited at the front row was Bishop Praises Omole, Bishop of the Nigerian Anglican Church, and next to him was Prof. Andrew Walls, who also focused on the discussion. In front of them was Prof. Klaus Koschorke, Professor for the University of Munich, Germany, who turned round to listen to the discussion. These scholars listened attentively to the presentation of Professor Ng.

在利物浦希望大学沃尔斯亚洲及非洲基督教研究中心举办的国际会议中发言谈及中国基督教的现况,在旁的是开罗神学院院长Dr. Atef Gendy,与他相隔两个座位的是美国长老会总干事Dr. David Dawson(前任匹兹堡大学教授),前排为尼日利亚圣公会主教Bishop Praises Omole,他身旁的Prof. Andrew Walls皆很专注聆听,前面为德国慕尼黑大学教授Prof. Klaus Koschorke。会中伍教授回应其他学者之言论,把中国基督教发展介绍给其他学者,在座学者非常关心。

Group photos of delegates at the conference


With Prof. Walls at the centre

与Prof. Walls交流对世界基督教发展之心得

Prof. Daniel Jeyaraj,  Director of Andrew F. Walls Center for the Study of African and Asian Christianity, Liverpool Hope University.

英国利物浦希望大学Andrew Walls Centre主管Prof. Daniel Jeyaraj

A discussion with Prof. Jeyaraj and Prof. Ida Mok, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Education, the University of Hong Kong.

与Prof. Jeyaraj商讨利物浦希望大学研究中心与香港大学及本神学院如何发展合作事宜

A delightful conversation with Bishop Praises Omole, Bishop of the Nigerian Anglican Church.

与非洲尼日利亚圣公会主教Bishop Praises Omole畅谈,他对伍教授提出之和谐神学深感欣赏

A summer course for over 10 PhD students shortly after the completion of the international conference at Liverpool Hope University. The final lecture was delivered by Prof. Andrew Walls, followed by Professor Ng’s closing benediction.

学期结束,暑假将临,伍教授为博士研讨班之学生祝福,图左为Prof. Andrew Walls及Prof. Daniel Jeyaraj



“Seminar Series for Distinguished Scholars for History” organized by the College of Social History, Fujian Normal University

中国化音乐的建造:中国圣诗之父赵紫宸〉,福建师范大学社会历史学院 (社会发展学院)


Prof. Dennis T.W. Ng, was invited by the College of Social History, Fujian Normal University to give a seminar on “The Construction of Sinicizing Sacred Music: T.C. Chao, the Father of Sacred Music” in the “Seminar Series for Distinguished Scholars for History” and has been highly praised.


The professors and students were very engaged in the seminar


Professor Wang Xiao-de, Dean of the College of Social History, Fujian Normal University, felt deeply inspired by Prof. Dennis Ng’s lecture


Warmly received by the professors in Professor Wang’s team after the seminar\





A hospitable reception from Rev. Cai Bo-sheng (middle),President of Shenzhen Christian Council and Chairman of Shenzhen TSPM, after visited him, with Rev. Wang Cong-lian (1st right), President of Guangxi Christian Council; Rev. Lou Shi-bo (2nd right), General Secretary of Zhejiang Christian Council and Executive Vice Principal of Zhejiang Theological Seminary; and Rev. Cai Jian-wei (1st left), Vice President and Dean of Guangdong Union Theological Seminary.



2015 Korean Global Mission Leadership Forum on “Megachurch Accountability in Missions: Critical Assessment through Global Case Studies” at Korea organized by Overseas Ministries Study Center (OMSC) of Yale University       


Prof. Dennis Ng was invited to deliver the benediction at the closing ceremony of the conference

伍德荣教授获邀于大会结束为众学者祝福,左一为美国波士顿大学神学院教授、著名学刊International Bulletin of Missionary Research (IBMR) 主编Prof. Jonathan Bonk

A delightful meeting with Professor Jonathan Bonk, Executive Director Emeritus of the Overseas Ministries Study Center (OMSC), Research Professor of Mission at the Boston University School of Theology, and Mrs. Jean Bonk

与Jonathan Bonk教授伉俪合照,他亦为研究世界基督教之另一权威

Prof. Dennis Ng and Dr. Darrell Whiteman, Executive Director of the OMSC meet joyfully at the Conference Dinner

与OMSC总监Dr. Darrell Whiteman于大会晚宴上

A pleasant chat with Dr. Dwight Baker, Senior Associate Editor, Yale Divinity School

International Bulletin of Missionary Research (IBMR)高级副编辑Dr. Dwight Baker

Exchange with Dr. Rev. Charles Agyinasare, Founder of Perez Chapel International, a Pentecostal-Charismatic ministry in Ghana

与非洲五旬节Perez Chapel International医治布道团队之创办人Dr. Rev. Charles Agyinasare交流

Photo with Dr. Miranda Klaver, Assistant Professor, VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands

荷兰阿姆斯特丹自由大学(VU University Amsterdam)助理教授Dr. Miranda Klaver

With Dr. Rev. Darrell Jackson, Senior Lecturer at Morling College, Australia, at the Conference Dinner

与澳洲悉尼牧灵神学院之宣教讲师Dr. Rev. Darrell Jackson在晚宴中


With Dr. Nelson Jennings, former Executive Director, OMSC; Mission Pastor-Consultant for Onnuri Community Church, Korea

International Bulletin of Missionary Research (IBMR) 总编辑Dr. Nelson Jennings

Group photo with OMSC organizing committee, speakers and participants of the Conference




A delightful luncheon gathering with Professor Brian Stanley from the University of Edinburgh, who paid a visit to Hong Kong in October

招待英国爱丁堡大学神学院教授Prof. Brian Stanley到访





The office of Professor Yang Hui-lin (Dean of School of Chinese Classics, and former Vice-President of Renmin University of China; Vice President of the China Religious Society) at the School of Chinese Classics, Renmin University of China.


Heartfelt welcome by Prof. Yang in the best VIP lounge at Renmin University of China





An International Conference Organized by the University of Munich, Germany and the Liverpool Hope University, UK           



Prof. Dennis T.W. Ng, and Prof. Andrew Walls, the world renowned missiological theologian, meet joyfully. On the right is the Director of the Andrew Walls Centre, Liverpool Hope University, Prof. Daniel Jeyaraj

在利物浦与世界著名宣教神学家Prof. Andrew Walls相见甚欢,旁为英国利物浦希望大学Andrew Walls Centre主管 Prof. Daniel Jeyaraj

Paper presented on the topic of Chinese Theology at the international conference jointly organized by the University of Munich (Germany) and the Liverpool Hope University (UK)



Enthusiastic discussion between Professor Dennis Tak Wing Ng, and the audiences


Participating professors were highly engaged during the paper presentation


Exchanging with Professor Walls their insight in the development of world Christianity after the speech

与Prof. Andrew Walls在演讲后交流对世界基督教发展之心得

Group photo of the conference participating scholars




An International Conference at the University of Edinburgh: James Legge and Scottish Missions to China           






Paper presentation on the topic of “Mission, Education and Theology: The Work of James Legge Revisited” at the University of Edinburgh


The exchange between professors after the presentation at the conference


Attentive audience at Prof. Dennis Tak Wing Ng’s presentation. 1st right: Prof. Brian Stanley, the renowned scholar, Director of Centre for the World Christianity at the University of Edinburgh

各与会教授细心地聆听伍教授之研究成果,右二为研究全球基督教发展之著名学者兼爱丁堡大学世界基督教研究中心总监Prof. Brian Stanley

Discussion and tea with Professor Yang Hui-lin, Renmin University of China, before his keynote


Sharing with James Legge’s great grandson, Christopher Legge, about his great father’s contribution at Hong Kong

与理雅各之曾孙Christopher Legge分享其曾祖父在香港的贡献

Scholarly exchange with Prof. David Jasper, Professor of Literature and Theology, University of Glasgow, Scotland

与英国格拉斯哥大学文学与神学教授Prof. David Jasper

Group photo of the Conference participants at Confucius Institute for Scotland




Lecture on Missionary Work: Northern American Culture and Missionary Work,
Delivered by Rt. Rev. Dr. Silas Ng.


Date: 5th December 2014
Time: 9am - 1pm
Venue: Lecture Theatre

Our colleague, Rt. Rev. Prof. Dr. Silas Ng will conduct a public lecture organized by the Youth Global Network and Trainers in Youth Ministries in Hong Kong on 5th December 2014.





International Conference on “Modern China and the World Christianity from a Global Vision and the 3rd Research Conference for the Sinicization of Christianity from a Multidisciplinary Perspective” in Fuzhou        



The International Conference on “Modern China and the World Christianity from a Global Vision and the 3rd Research Conference for the Sinicization of Christianity from a Multidisciplinary Perspective” held in Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and Fujian Normal University, Discussion chaired by Prof. Dennis Ng, and Commentator Prof. He Guang-hu, Renmin University of China.


A photo with Prof. He Guang-hu, Renmin University of China, at the Fuzhou Trinity College


With Prof. Duan Qi, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences at scenic spot in Fuzhou




Lecture on Education: Shedding Light on the East Asian Learners’ Paradox,
delivered by Dr. Ida Mok.       


Date: 17th September 2014

Time: 9am -1pm

Venue: Lecture Theatre



Keswick, Liverpool Hope University and the University of St Andrews



At the Keswick Convention (Keswick Convention has run for 139 years. The Chinese theologian Watchman Nee also attended this Convention during the 1930s)

于开西大会 (开西大会已举行了139年,中国神学家倪柝声也曾于1930年代参加此大会)

With Dr. Jonathan Lamb, the CEO and Minister-at-large of Keswick Ministries

在英国开西大会期间与大会行政总裁Dr. Jonathan Lamb

Dr. Lamb and David Gascoigne, Partner of Keswick Ministries introduced the development of Keswick Convention

Dr. Lamb与开西大会理事David Gascoigne介绍开西大会的发展

A discussion with Prof. Daniel Jeyaraj, Director of Andrew Walls Centre for the Study of Asian and African Christianity, Liverpool Hope University, about the training in theological education

与英国利物浦希望大学Andrew Walls Center之负责人Prof. Daniel Jeyaraj

With Prof. Mark Elliott, Head of School of Divinity, the University of St Andrews

获英国圣安德鲁斯大学神学院院长Prof. Mark Elliott热烈接待,圣安德鲁斯大学乃是苏格兰第一所大学,同时也是英语世界中第三古老的大学,仅次于牛津大学剑桥大学,是世界知名的教学与研究中心。圣安德鲁斯大学多次被评为英国或苏格兰年度大学,是英国的顶级学府之一。

A light-hearted exchange with Prof. Elliott concerning the status of theological education and promotion of the development of Chinese theology

与Prof. Mark Elliott讨论神学发展

A photo with Prof. Alex Allen, the University of St Andrews, at the University's School of History

与圣安德鲁斯大学Prof. Alex Allen摄于大学历史系


University of Manchester           



A photo with Prof. Thomas Harvey (right), Academic Dean of the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies, the University of Oxford, at the banquet for participating scholars hosted by the University of Manchester

与英国牛津大学宣教研究中心(Oxford Centre for Mission Studies,. OCMS)教务长Prof. Thomas Harvey(右一)摄于英国曼彻斯特大学举行之晚宴

A delightful meeting with the renowned specialist in religious studies, Prof. Gordon Melton (right), Director of Institute for the Study of American Religion

与著名宗教研究专家、美国宗教研究所总监Prof. Gordon Melton (右一)

An enjoyable conversation at the pub



Photo taken with Prof. Yangwen Zheng (Director of the Centre for Chinese Studies at the University of Manchester) after Prof. Dennis Ng's speech



Photo taken with Prof. Richard Madsen (Distinguished Professor of the Department of Sociology, University of California, San Diego) after Prof. Dennis Ng's speech

伍德荣教授于英国曼彻斯特大学发表之和谐神学,深受学者赞赏,会后与主题讲员加州大学圣地亚哥分校(University of California, San Diego)社会学系著名学者赵文词教授(Richard Madsen)合照


A delightful encounter with Prof. Gordon Melton after the speech

伍教授发表和谐神学后,美国宗教研究专家Gordon Melton教授提出发问,并十分欣赏伍教授用生动例子解释

Photo taken at the conference with Dr. Alexander Chow, Chancellor's Fellow in the School of Divinity, the University of Edinburgh and Associate Editor of the journal Studies in World Christianity

与英国爱丁堡大学Studies in World Christianity期刊主编、Chancellor’s Fellow之Dr. Alexander Chow摄于英国曼彻斯特会议后

A hospitable reception from Prof. Daniel Jeyaraj (Director of Andrew Walls Centre for the Study of Asian and African Christianity, Liverpool Hope University) at his home

获英国利物浦希望大学Andrew Walls Center之负责人Prof. Daniel Jeyaraj于家中热情款待


Yale University 


Discussing sacred music with Prof. Martin D. Jean, Director of the Yale Institute of Sacred Music, Yale University

与耶鲁大学圣乐学院院长Prof. Martin D. Jean畅谈圣乐

Keynote at Seminar on Chinese Christianity at OMSC, Yale Divinity School


A visit to the Yale Divinity School


Warm welcome by Prof. J. Nelson Jennings, Director of OMSC, Yale University

获耶鲁大学海外宣教中心(Overseas Ministries Study Center, OMSC)负责人Prof. J. Nelson Jennings款待

A visit to Dr. Dwight P. Baker, Senior Associate Editor, International Bulletin of Missionary Research

耶鲁神学院高级编辑Dr. Dwight P. Baker

Fuller Theological Seminary


A lecture on the topic “Chinese Christian Theology” at the Fuller Theological Seminary


During paper presentation at US Fuller Theological Seminary with Prof. Scott Sunquist, Dean of the School of Intercultural Studies

与美国福乐神学院跨文化学院院长、国际著名世界基督教学者Scott Sunquist教授摄于讲座

Peking University and Yanjing Theological Seminary


A visit to the Archives of Peking University


Group photo with conference speakers and persons-in-charge of the Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies, Peking University


At the International Conference on “Yenching University and Liberal Education in Modern China”, Peking University


A great pleasure to meet Prof. Liu Hai-yan, Research Professor of Tianjin Academy of Social Sciences, at the dinner party of Peking University


A visit to Prof. Jean-Paul Wiest, Research Director for Jesuit Beijing Center and the Founder of the Center for Mission Research & Study at Maryknoll

与著名历史学家、北京耶稣会研究中心Dr. Jean-Paul Wiest

With the renowned author of A Latterday Confucian: Reminiscences of William Hung 1893-1980, Ms. Susan Chan Egan


At the ninety-fifth anniversary of the establishment of Yenching University with Prof. Tu Wei-ming, Director of Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies, Peking University


Vote of thanks by Rev. Dr. Gao Ying, Vice-President of China Christian Council and President of Yanjing Theological Seminary, after the keynote at Yanjing Theological Seminary


A cheerful conversation about the development of the theology in China with Rev. Dr. Gao Ying


At the largest Three-Self Church in Beijing, Haidian Christian Church


A visit to Prof. Zhao Jing-xin, son of Zhao Zi-chen (T.C. Chao), and his wife


Prayer for Prof. Zhao Jing-xin and his wife



Prof. Winfried Glüer, a distinguished scholar on the studies of Chinese theologian T.C. Chao, is welcomed by Prof. Dennis Ng on his visit to Hong Kong.



East China Theological Seminary, Shanghai         



Lectures on Modern Chinese Theology (2) with the topic of “Reflection on Theology of Mission of London Missionary Society in China: Cases Studies of James Legge and Cheng Jingyi” at Shanghai East China Theological Seminary, China.



East China Theological Seminary, Shanghai         



Lectures on Modern Chinese Theology (1) with the topic of “Bei Zhao Nan Wei: The Theology of Zhao Zichen and Francis C.M. Wei” at Shanghai East China Theological Seminary, China.


Lectures on Sacred Music and Theology with the topic of “The Significance of Sacred Music in Worship from the Perspective of Creation” at Shanghai East China Theological Seminary, China.



Rev. Xie Bing-guo, Deputy Secretary-General of the National Committee of Three-Self Patriotic Movement of the Protestant Churches in China, President of the Shanghai Christian Council and President of the East China Theological Seminary, presents a gift to Prof. Dennis Ng



Prof. Dennis Ng is having a pleasant chat on the development of Chinese sacred music with Prof. Ma Ge-shun in his home. Prof. Ma is a renowned scholar in sacred music in China who has been awarded the national Golden Bell Award – Lifetime Medal of Honour.


A Warm Welcome to the Scholars Followed by Fruitful Exchange


Meeting Prof. Victor Chan (Head of Chung Chi College, the Chinese University of Hong Kong), an active composer, conductor and advocate of contemporary music


Receiving Prof. Dr. Klaus Koschorke (Retired Professor and Chairman of the Department of Church History at the University of Munich) in Hong Kong after meeting him in Shanghai

与德国慕尼黑大学前任教会历史系主任Klaus Koschorke教授(左二)在上海见面后,他与妻子到访香港时特来探访,右一为前香港中文大学宗教系系主任吴梓明教授

A delightful dinner with Prof. Tao Fei-ya (Professor in the Department of History, Shanghai University, Vice-Chairman of Shanghai Association of Religion Studies), Prof. Liu Yi (Executive Director of the Center for the Study of Religion and Chinese Society, and Assistant Professor in the Department of History, Shanghai University), and Prof. Peter Ng (Formerly Professor of Religious Education and Chairman of the Department of Religion, the Chinese University of Hong Kong) in Shanghai


Meeting Prof. Richard Tsang (Dean of Students and Professor in the Department of Cultural and Creative Arts, the Hong Kong Institute of Education), an industrious composer and conductor with great concern over contemporary music


Meeting Prof. Eric Wong (Associate Director of the Divinity School of Chung Chi College, the Chinese University of Hong Kong), classmate of Prof. Dennis Ng at the CUHK


Meeting Rev. Xu Yu-lan (Vice Chairperson of ShanghaiChristian Three-Self Patriotic Movement Committee, Executive Vice-President of East China Theological Seminary), Rev. Wang Jian-hua (Vice Academic Dean of East China Theological Seminary) and Rev. Hu Ying-qiang (Vice Academic Dean of East China Theological Seminary)


Dr. Elvin Lee (Assistant President of the Sino United Publishing (Holdings) Ltd. and Director, Hong Kong Publishing Federation Limited)


Greeting Prof. Mak Su-yin (Associate Professor in the Music Department, the Chinese University of Hong Kong) and Mr. Christopher Pak (Head of Academic Studies in Music, the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts)


Visiting the oldest Protestant church in Shanghai, Holy Trinity Church, with Prof. Peter Ng (Formerly Professor of Religious Education and Chairman of the Department of Religion, the Chinese University of Hong Kong)


With Prof. Tao Fei-ya (Professor in the Department of History, Shanghai University, Vice-Chairman of Shanghai Association of Religion Studies) and Prof. Liu Yi (Executive Director of the Center for the Study of Religion and Chinese Society, and Assistant Professor in the Department of History, Shanghai University)


Warm welcome to Prof. Chen Yong (Associate Head of the Department of History, Shanghai University)


Greeting Prof. Xu You-wei (Associate Head of the Department of History, Shanghai University)


Meeting Rev. Nicky Gumbel at the Vicarage, Holy Trinity Brompton

于英国圣三一布普顿堂(Holy Trinity Brompton)与该堂主任牧师、启发课程创办人甘力克牧师交流